Timesaver ho layout software

Online videos of model railroad timesaver layouts model. Anyrail is probably the easiesttouse model railway design tool around. This great marketing opportunity is at no charge to you or the planner. This one uses the atlas pier set to secure grades of about 3. Jun 03, 2018 the mgb model railroad club use digitrax dcc controls on their main layout in pratville, alabama. A short clip showing a simple switching problem on an ho micro layout built from john allens classic timesaver design. Feb 22, 2019 model railroad planning is the most important part of the build process. The john allen timesaver and inglenook the british scene examples of british shelf layouts examples of american shelf layouts back to the timesaver and the inglenook. See more ideas about layout, model trains and train layouts. Prototypical track plan for my model railroad youtube.

Seldom does a plan fit your exact space, accomplish the track operations you. Why i dont like switching puzzle layouts achievable layouts. Software is available from various companies if you wish to design your unitrack layout on a computer. As hobbyists, we owe a lot to john, who published many articles and in the process opened peoples eyes to the possibility that a model railroad could actually have things like, oh, extensive scenery and something approaching. I used atlas right trak software to make the track plan and paint shop plus to add the. If you know of less costly shays in on30 let me know so i can check it out. If you havent already heard of the timesaver, read the next paragraph,otherwise skip to the next. See more ideas about model railway track plans, model trains and model train layouts.

A timesaver shelf layout model railroader magazine model. This modular layout represents a branch off the main santa fe line in the early 1960s. Fair enough, a real railroad would never intentionally design a switching section to be difficult on purpose. Some would cringe at the idea of basing a layout on the timesaver. I incorporated a version of it on my shelf layout you can see it here but with the extra tracks and buildings it just isnt the same as a stand alone game would be. I try to make layouts where trains can operate and trainlovers can have some fun. User layouts gallery trainplayer software for model. Enjoy designing your layout anyrail ensures everything fits. This page is about the classic switching puzzle invented by john allen, the famous model railroad pioneer. Santa fe industrial railroad this was the ho layout i was building in a x 18 bonus room over the garage. John allen timesaver for college model railroader magazine. Before you begin planning or constructing a timesaver layout, please read the design considerations and background on the timesaver history page. The timesaver was a switching puzzle invented by either john allen or frankellison i have to check my sources, if you remember please write and tell mein the 1960s for competitions at national model railroad association nmrameets. Just download the setup package, install it and start editing your first track plan.

Found this timesaver game at a train show in van wert, ohio. But i dont know if they use that system on their ho scale timesaver shown here. Timesaver is a wellknown model railroad train shunting puzzle u. The scs department has been creating exact diagrams for room viewer clients all around the world. So along with with the uturn module containing the tiny town of east jallen and the bear creek salvage co. User layouts gallery trainplayer software for model railroaders. Probably the most famous shunting puzzle is timesaver was first published in the november 1972 issue of. John allens timesaver with images model railway track plans. John allens gorre and daphetid railroad the timesaver. Introduction motivation no room for a layout want more than just a diorama possibly a start to a future larger layout want something that can be finished in a reasonable amount of time and money a small layout can be detailed more easily desire operating realism even for a small footprint experimenting with.

Lots of pages on design, construction and operations. Model flextrack routes in an easy, intuitive and realistic way. Ho gauge unitrackaccessories ho north american locomotives ho north american rolling. The quantities shown on the following plans reflect piece, not package, quantities. This small layout was conceived and built by the wizard of monterey, famous us modeller john whitby allen 19 1973 and introduced in the november 1972. The original ho version was set so the loco traveled at 7 scale miles per hour. John allens famous timesaver switchingpuzzle layout, using atlas code80 n scale sectional track plan name.

It consists of a specific track layout, a set of initial conditions, a defined goal, and rules which must be obeyed while performing the shunting operations. A two turnout layout could serve as an inglenook switching puzzle while the rest of the scenery and structures are in the making. But i figured whey not connect it to my main layout as a branchline. For now the added cross over pocket track allows the module to be used as a timesaver. Many viewers have asked about track plans for around the walls in a small room. The claim is that the track configuration is in no way prototypical. Ho is one of the most popular modeling scales worldwide. Ho scale code 83 layout packages atlas layout packages are a hasslefree way to get started in the hobby and include all of the track needed to build your own layout so you can get to the fun part of running trains. This might be a good starter layout, or it could be a nice demo layout plan name. Diagrams of the timesaver are available in many locations on the internet, but the most accurate and simplest is provided at the model railways shunting puzzles website. Recycled plastic railroad ties replace wood ties or build your new loop from recycled plastic and never touch it again. Atlas track planning software atlas model railroad. One thing that has been added to this layout concept is that between the time i started thinking about it 3 years ago and now, i built a hon30 class a climax loco. You may have discovered this while researching plans for your layout.

Talk about switching the use of american railroad terminology seems more than appropriate when discussing the timesaver and it wont be long before someone mentions the timesaver. Anyrail makes model railroad design so easy, its fun. You can create complex railroad layouts with many train stations on virtually unlimited area. Sandys bonus room layout a medium sized bonus room layout. Model railroader is the worlds largest magazine on model trains and model railroad layouts. The original timesaver track layout as conceived by john allen requires 5 switches the original layout used y switches to build up a layout with 5 sidings and a runaround track, providing access to 5 destinations e. Since my post model train puzzles a few weeks back, weve been slowly building an hoscale version, beginning with a folding, suitcasesized box for. I have been wanting to build a timesaver based on john allens original timesaver ever since i saw it at my first nmra national convention in san jose in 2000. Anyrail the easiest model railroad design software. Below are a few unique schematic samples drawn using room schematics by our scs department. Scarm means simple computer aided railway modeller software for easy and precise design of model train layouts and railroad track plans. As long as the timesaver remained a small module that sat under the layout and only got brought out for modelers meets or practice, it was fine, it threatened to one. I show in this video, three track plans from the masters in model railroading.

Its also entirely independent, so you can build with almost any track. Tank wagons and special purpose stock will also be of differing lengths. On the top of my layout i am planing a o27 lionel track with a modified timesaver design that i like. Unfortunately, this is the story about something good that got perverted into one of the worst layout design mistakes ever.

The timesaver becomes jallen a timesaver is normally operated as an independent layout. Large enough to appreciate fine detail but small enough to fit in most spaces, you can find a vast selection of products to finish your layout. This page provides a directory of model railroad manufacturers offering track, roadbed, and bridges, plus track planning and layout design software, for g, ho, n, o, s, and z scale model railroad layouts. The track plan features long oval main line passing across various scenic areas and has one big station, several industries and two branches for a port with train ferry on the peninsula and for staging yard in the closet. What makes a good shelf layout summary some good references acknowledgements demonstration if there is time. Layout planning reliable train operation starts with a solid track plan. Nov 21, 2019 nice aroundthewalls layout in ho scale with peninsula and liftoff bridge in the center, situated in a dedicated train room. You can deploy your layout on more than one level, with different heights and slopes for chosen sections of the track route. Timesaver software is proud to display the work of our schematic creation service department. Audio assist protonotch keepalive tcs wifi command system. Ive been an armchair guy for many years now, and i definately want a shelf type layout. Achievable layouts and the ongoing problem of the time saver. Ho trains, model trains, garden train, ho train layouts, model railway track plans. Scarm software simple computer aided railway modeller.

When each module is joined the final dimensions require 20x76 in ho scale. At this point i was confident i could build the layout with stock lgb parts, and get it to 8 foot by 2 feet. Definitely in the future when the layout grows the run around will accommodate 11 feet of ho train cant get enough room for 117 freight cars and required power. Select pieces from atlas 9 track lines and build your dream layout with ease. The timesaver an example of how bad design gets promulgated.

Timesaver software will place your completed schematics on this web site so that more than 2500 planners can download your event space templates into their copy of room viewer. Maryland central is 4 x 8 ho layout designed with operational potential in mind a small yard, an interchange and some industries including a cement plant, and two food processors. Scarm the leading design software for model railroad layouts. For more information, contact timesaver customer service. With a little calculation, these plans can be adapted to other scales, as well. This software allows you to create and customize your very own layout, view it as a 3d model and then generate a shopping list to make your dream layout a reality. I started looking for a lightweight folding table, 2 foot by 8 foot, that weighs only 20 pounds as opposed to the 55 pounds you get from the common folding tables from costco, etc. Ho scale code 83 layout packages, ho scale track atlas. Building link 586805026432332520 model building software and. Part of the reason my dad and i may not have gotten past white plaster was we were very lacking in switching in hindsight, i think he was more of a toytrain type guy didnt care about scenery or switching or.

But im not set on ho it depends on what info i get from others. Oct 18, 2012 in the uk magazine model trains international, the one turnout layout would be called a tuning fork. The standard layout consists of a simple yard, with five switches. John allens famous timesaver switchingpuzzle layout, using atlas code80 n. With scarm you can easily create the layout of your dreams. The time saver is a venerable and wellloved railway switching puzzle invented by one of the pioneers of the hobby, john allen. Many plans you see look great on paper but when laid out full size in the defined space fall short of acceptable standards. Sep 08, 2011 the timesaver as shown in john allens original article, was built as 2 10x56 gridbenchwork modules ho scale to be bolted together for final operations at college, this makes for easier storage. This blog will follow the development of a small ho scale layout from a variation of a basic timesaver to a standalone switching module and eventually incorporating the module into a layout. They detail all their activities, complete with pictures and videos, on their website. Yesterdays timesaver, todays timesaver module, tomorrows.